Saturday, May 22, 2004

Yet more form Africa


Sorry about the slightly dull nature of the last e-mail but I saw in something of a rush to get what I'd done and seen down as I had literally 5 minutes before I had to head off to pay to try and kill myself sky diving, sand boarding and quad biking over the dunes!

So, the rest of the news, I'm now in Zimbabway and the internet is v slow so please forgive the fact this is a bit of a generic e-mail but I can't really open any of the messages that I've been sent so ....

As I said it's a really good crowd on the truck with three couples (two australian, one English) one slightly older Australian bloke with his 30 year old daughter (single), a single femail Austalian and another single bloke (19 year onld English). The group works really well and thankfully plenty of them are keen to stay up drinking, dancing and generally misbehaving most of the time. That said I'm now at the half way point in my trip and so we are changing trucks and a few of the people.

The truck we're on has a giant cool box in for drinks so I've taken it upon myself to run the trunk bar to the beer is flowing from the call of "beers o'clock" that is geenerally called any time from 11am onwards, all good clean African fun!

On the subject of drinking, its so cheap out here! It's been tough getting over the lack of proper drinks but the lager is begining to slip down easier and I've also dicovered drinks like the springbok (pepermint and amarula) and a gemsbok (kalua and amarula) which with a few choice actions can be drunk all night in many of the bars out here.

The eating safri continues at pace, I've now sampled springbok, gemsbok, impala, crocodile, eland, wilderbeast, waterbuck, kudu, warthog and many more. I've alsobeen fairly successsful in seeing them alive only not having spotted the waterbuck out of what I've eaten and the leopard out of the big 5 (lion, buffalo, rhino, elephant). Can also check of giraffe, zebra, chetaa, hippo, saple, and every kind of bird, monitor et al in africa!

As I said I'm now in Zim at Vic Falls (v. nice) having come through Namibia and Botswan (beautful countries) where I've walked the sand dunes, been round a township, paddled through the okovango deltain hollowed out fibreglass trees, driven through Etosha and Chobe national parks and thrown myself of all sorts of platforms in a bid to get the biggest adrenalin rush in Africa.

Today I'm going gorge swinging and tomorrow I'll be taking off over vic falls in a tiger moth which I'm told can fly upside down while doing a look the loop, should be fun after the booze crews up the river tonight where it's all you can drink!

Hope things are going well back home, for those of you its relevant to, hope the shows went well, congratulations on the promotion (didn't really ever doubt it would happpen), thanks for the messages even if I can't read most of them and hope you''re all having as much fun as I am.

Must dash.


Vic Falls

Saturday, May 08, 2004

The journey continues ....

Hello there from Swakomund, Namibia!

Well, where was I? If memory serves last time out I was about to get on a bus from Coffee Bay back to Cape Town to then head up into Africa, I can now tell you that an hour and a half in the back of a pick-up and then 20 in a greyhound bus isn't the best way to spend a friday but having survived it life is good.

As I said I'm now in Swakomund (not sure of spelling) in Namibia and life is good. Yesterday we entered the Namib Naukluft park and very quickly found our truck having herds of Gemsbok (pronounced with a flemmy 'H' then 'emsbock'), Zebra, Springbok and ostrich. Also saw warthogs, black backed jackals, camels, a brown hyena, a kudu and a meircat all just chilling out by the dirt road.

To explain what's going on... I'm on a truck with 10 other people plus a guide type woman (Michelle) our driver Paul and a girl learning to be a guide (Lilly) and we are currently driving up through southern Africa. The people on the truck are all v. cool and the few long drives (10 hours over dirt roads) we've had and the bush camping has so far been a great laugh, long may it continue!

So what else has happened... I've visited Fish River Canyon (allegedly the 2nd biggest canyon in the world - it was big!), canoed 14 km down the Orange River from the Namibian boarder, swam in natural hot springs, dived head first down a 120m high sand Dune having watched the sun rise from the top of it and seen literally thousands of seals at Cape Cross which probably the most foul smelling place I've ever been to. I've also slept out under the clearest skies imaginable a few times, walked up the Seriem Canyon as the sun set almost into it and been on another wine tour drinking as much of SAs finest wine as possible!

And that virtually brings be up to now, tomorrow I'll be sandboarding and racing quad bikes over the dunes and from there I head east to Botswana then northwards but that's for another day...

Hope all is well where ever you're reading this from but if not I currently highly recommend an escape to Namibia!

Until the next time

Internet Cafe
Southern Africa

PS. I'll say it again just in case, if you don't want spamming with news from an unemployed bum let me know and I'll stop your suffering!

PPS. Fun as e-mails with attachments and links to games are when trying to avoid work in an office they're a bit of an arse in Africa so if you can try to avoid sending them through to me I'd me most appreciative.