Monday, August 21, 2006

much a do about nothing

It’s been a while since my last update mainly as its been a while since I did anything, I've had a quiet month when all I've done beyond work is played couple of early morning hung-over footie matches (the local lads really don't understand what weekends are about), a bit of squash and just a little drinking.

I can honestly say it wasn't me but there have been fires burning around HK in recent weeks. Its the 'Ghost Month' so ghosts and spirits have been escaping from the lower world, obviously the only way to stop this really messing the place up is to burn hell money and expensive paper models of anything spirits, deities and dead relatives might like. The system clearly works as the streets have been full of burning paper and ash but I've not seen a single ghost!

After about two months work is actually beginning to be a real job, this has its pros and cons. On the plus side I now have things to do all day and don't have to worry about being let go, on the negative I have to work all day and I've less excuse for leaving and being a bum again!

Its quiet funny in the office, I get congratulated regularly for being able to speak virtually fluent English to gwylow clients, brilliant! That said with some of the emails I see going around perhaps even I can help improve the Chinglish that is used, here's and example of a email I was cc'd on the other day.

"It's our great pleasure to have this honourable opportunity to participate in your office upgrading. And we are more than delighted to receive your appreciation. We sincerely wish your continuous business success, prosperity, and definitely, our long term service towards you and your members."

I'd love to say it sounded better in context but I'd be lying.

On the eating front I've now tried chicken feet, it was a work meal and I was told I was the first gwylow they'd seen eating them, they weren't actually that bad but I can't see myself giving them another go.

Also at work I attended an "image building" workshop with all the senior men, you had to be there to believe it but the program included:
1) Hair styling and transformation
2) Specify the appropriate suitable hairstyle
3) Identify, categorize and define individual style based on personality, body type, lifestyle
4) Determine how individual perceived by others and reveal style's message and strength
5) Describe how to achieve the look of style
6) Introduce personalized colour concepts that will help identify optimal colours for hair, clothing and make-up
7) Distinguish the appropriate style, cut, fit, colour and clothing fabric best suited for different body type and facial features
8) Make-up essentials (for female section only)
9) Tips on choosing make-up that suits individuals types
10) Tips for individual skin type and how to apply make-up

Woohoo! The highlight was having my face washed as a demo of how to do it properly, I really don't know how I survived before. Needless to say I was spottier than in years for a few days afterwards!

The only other recent event was Sean throwing a BBQ for the boys last Saturday night. With Jaskass being projected onto a wall and everyone fighting to play the worst possible tunes from their iPods we ate meaty carcase after meaty carcase (there was a bowl of salad but we threw it away untouched yesterday) and had a quiet drink or two. Unfortunately Sean and I decided to end the night with wee Scotch and somehow failed to quit until dawn was far to near, however from what I remember we did sort out world peace and bring an end to poverty.

And that's about it, in less good news my body is in perpetual pain. Having had a free personal training session at the gym it turns out that previously I was only doing maintenance, now I'm renovating! It’s been a few weeks since the original session but so far the only visible effect is I now walk a bit funny...

Well with no news this has turned into an epic, sorry about that. As Ben is currently racing across Russia to get here there’ll hopefully be more newsworthy drivel coming your way in September so watch this space.

Hope you're all well and having fun.
