Monday, September 24, 2007

Bangkok, not dissimilar to babies

I wish I could come good on my promise of exciting news from my rugby tour to Bangkok and of Sean and Bev's new son but it would appear there are few problems with that plan...

What I can tell you is that I did go on tour to Bangkok and that while I was there a beautiful little boy (just under 7lb) emerged into the world, from there on in there is less to report.

I'm afraid the first problem comes due to the age-old rule that what goes on tour stays on tour. Although I was obviously a perfect saint while over in BK I'm fairly sure that a few of the lads (my roommate for the weekend included – don’t ask…) would prefer me to keep shut.

What I can tell you is that we had a great weekend, we drank a drink or two, watched a bit of sport (England won at rugby, footie and cricket while I was there) played a bit of rugby and as the sun was shining rather brightly a few of the lads came back with nasty red rash-like skin irritations....

Regarding Callum Thomas Roche, I met the wee fellow on his one week birthday, he's a cute little baby boy that thankfully for him looks nothing like Sean and he has great sleeping and drinking skills. Other than that it would appear babies don't do a great deal! For some considerable time he lay gurgling in my arms, personally I was terrified but we both bravely resisted the urge to scream and cry out in fear.

In other news... unfortunately I rolled my ankle again while on tour so haven't played any sport since, I've therefore not added to my pre season goal scoring antics or BK based last ditch defence heroics but I'm hoping to be right for the early October fixtures. Last Saturday Dominic (of former HK fame) was back in town so I organised for the sun to be shining so a crowd us could headed out to Clearwater Bay for a rather good day on a junk and just last night I took on the roll of removal man.

I persuaded a small posse out on a stormy night to dismantle the worlds most gigantic wardrobe (it wouldn't fit through the door never mind into the lift) and to carry it across town (well a couple of blocks). I hadn't mentioned before hand that there wasn't a lift up to the fourth floor destination but the boys stepped up manfully. The only remaining problem is I've not quite figured how to rebuild it yet!

And that brings us to the here and now, in 11 days time I'm heading back to Bangkok for a long weekend as Hannah will be passing through on route to India but other than that I'm I think I might have a quiet few weeks......

Hope the sun's shining on your bit of the planet.


Thursday, September 06, 2007

Happy Days

I'm sorry to say it but I have no exciting news to report at all, it's just all good!

My trip back to the motherland was great. In the midst of what's being reported as England's worst summer ever I had over a week of clear skies so spent a few beautiful days walking in the Lakes, had a few relaxing days with the family, several great days with Hannah, one big night out in London, grabbed a few hours with both my godson and Han's parents and went to what had to be the wedding of the year out in Suffolk. All in all a bloody good trip, the only problem was that 9 days just wasn't enough.

It's been rather manic since getting back. The new job is still going really well but I'd be a liar if I said they weren't making me work for my wage but I guess it staves off boredom. On top of that the footie and rugby season are just kicking off so I'm in sports mode most evenings and weekends.

As I've dropped the "the only gweilo in the office" thing at work it seemed time to do the same for my football team so, I'm now in a mixed, but rather more English speaking league which makes things somewhat easier and more sociable off the field. As for the rugby I'm back in training with Valley and the fitness work is killing me.

And that's about where I am. Tomorrow night I head to Bangkok on a brief rugby tour. I have to admit I'm feeling a certain level of trepidation ahead of this, partly due to how messy it undoubtedly will be but also as my left foot is currently rather bruised and very orange!

Unfortunately after an afternoon of beach based rugby training last Saturday we headed into town where I got the idea I could fly... on landing I realised I couldn't, hence the bruising. Now being only 6 days away from a rugby tour and with two footie matches to play in between I turned to the extreme measures of Mr Miyagi style Chinese medicine. All week I've been soaking my foot in a bucket of boiled up herbs and spices. Unfortunately without the clever lighting and an old man clapping his hands the only noticeable effect is the odd colouration and a new foul stench in the flat!

Between the tour and Bev (and Sean) due to drop any day I'm sure there'll be more next time so until then...