Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New man?

“You’ve changed” is a (slightly mocking) phrase I commonly hear from young Mr Roche these days (now man of wife, dog, child and boat so a fine one to talk) but worryingly I have to say it he might have something…

I was back in Europe for a conference and bit of a holiday in early Feb and instead of my old habit of finding things to jumping off and eating random animals I visited some top galleries (Van Gogh, Rijksmuseum), the Moore sculpture exhibition at Kew and the theatre to see Allan Bennett’s The history Boys and had a bl**dy good time doing so. You might well ask what's going on!?!

On the other hand I also gorged myself on chunks of meat the size of which just aren’t available in Asia, sauntered down Oudezijds Voorburgwal, visited Amsterdam’s “other” famous museum and got rather drunk before crossing London on the night bus so maybe I’m not quite a “new man” just yet.

As you may be able to tell from that the holiday element of the trip was great, the work bit (the conference attendance that meant I could afford an extra trip home) was a little less exciting. Unsurprising given it was an event on legal books but happily I survived serious mental trauma and as most people were asleep by the time I took the stage to speak not too much personal embarrassment and professional damage done either.

Back in HK, winter (yes we had one this year) has finally broken and last weekend saw my first swim in the sea of 2008. Admittedly it wasn't a very long swim but as it was to move the anchor on Harvey's beast of a speed boat it was well worth it. We were chilling at a beachfront restaurant between playing on the worlds best midlife crisis and the tide went out, what can I say, someone had to do it.

In other news I’m about to move house, having been in my flat for a little over two year its time to move on so I've been giving furniture away left right and centre. The majority of it really isn't worth selling and as I'm moving into a mate's luxury penthouse apartment (with 53” TV, roof terrace, games room… you get the picture) for my last few months here I have junk to loose. I hadn't realised just how much stuff I'd accumulated since arriving with one 75 litre bag a little under 3 years ago so its proving rather a big job. If anyone needs a 2 ring gas hob, an air con unit or sofa with ottoman let me know!

Thankfully - for the sake of my body - the rugby season has just one match to go so we (the mighty Valley Griffins) are hoping to end a pitiful season with final win but don't hold your breath or lay any money on it. Dawn (of RCG fame) came to visit for a couple of days drinking a few weeks ago and had the misfortune of seeing a game, she couldn’t find very much positive to say about it… in my defence I'd smashed my ribs playing the week before and really shouldn't have even been on the pitch but still.

And as I tend to say, that's about me. Its Paddy's day next week so I'm planning to have a few drinks at the weekend to celebrate/ commiserate turning 31. I'll be back in London the week after that to see Hannah for another flying visit so if anyone is around on Thursday 27th and fancy a couple of beers let me know. Sorry I can't offer other dates up for discussion but if you’re in town and free would be great to catch up so let me know.

Until then.