It's hot and it's wet...
Which is ok if you've got air-conditioning but bloody awful if you've got a hang over!
I know it isn't Sean leading me to drinking too much (we've both been away a while I know but we've not changed that much) and I refuse to accept I'm getting old so I blame the humidity as to why I'm getting worse hangovers here than I have on the rest of my travels, seriously 95% is humid.
So I made it to Hong Kong and things are certainly a little different here. It would appear it's not a place for anyone with vertigo as they seem to have an aversion to low level buildings though originality isn't their strong point given they all look the same, countless carbon copies of bad concrete tower blocks, Sean's work here is clearly needed!
So what's happened, after leaving Perth I had a brief stopover in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but other than getting my passport stamped and having a night in an hotel I didn't see a lot before heading on to meet Sean and have a couple of catch up beers and to stay in what I'd been assured by everyone that had been, was the perfect apartment...
THEY WERE LYING, I admit it's a very very nice flat for anywhere not just HK, and in Sean's defence I believe the problem arose through pressure from Bev, but... they have a dog! Yes a dog, and not a nice, clean, Sean type dog, I'm talking about a big, dumb, street mutt. I am not amused.
So, Hong Kong.... ski scrapers, pristine underground, original star ferries, pirate water taxis, junks, race tracks in the middle of town surrounded on all sides by multi-story buildings (and no I didn't even win on one race, d'oh!), dragon boat racing (and no Sean didn't win one race), a facade of western high streets shops and back ally market stalls that are something else entirely.
And... jumping. That's correct it's started again but this time instead of rocks, cliffs, or planes it was off the back of a junk. Now junks aren't quite as exciting to jump off as my previous platforms so this called for novelty dives. Oh yes backward and forward flips were perfectly executed and, wait for it, most impressive of all (at least to me and one other) a perfect (ish) pike dive, happy days. All this off the top deck of a junk at a high of just under 4m into the rather pleasant South China Sea on a sunny Sunday afternoon, I think I like this place.
And that's Hong Kong for now, I'm looking for work at the moment to try to sustain my stay here so I'll keep you informed.
Until the next time...
Sean & Bev's near perfect apartment
O Pui Village
Mang Kung Uk
Hong Kong
I know it isn't Sean leading me to drinking too much (we've both been away a while I know but we've not changed that much) and I refuse to accept I'm getting old so I blame the humidity as to why I'm getting worse hangovers here than I have on the rest of my travels, seriously 95% is humid.
So I made it to Hong Kong and things are certainly a little different here. It would appear it's not a place for anyone with vertigo as they seem to have an aversion to low level buildings though originality isn't their strong point given they all look the same, countless carbon copies of bad concrete tower blocks, Sean's work here is clearly needed!
So what's happened, after leaving Perth I had a brief stopover in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia but other than getting my passport stamped and having a night in an hotel I didn't see a lot before heading on to meet Sean and have a couple of catch up beers and to stay in what I'd been assured by everyone that had been, was the perfect apartment...
THEY WERE LYING, I admit it's a very very nice flat for anywhere not just HK, and in Sean's defence I believe the problem arose through pressure from Bev, but... they have a dog! Yes a dog, and not a nice, clean, Sean type dog, I'm talking about a big, dumb, street mutt. I am not amused.
So, Hong Kong.... ski scrapers, pristine underground, original star ferries, pirate water taxis, junks, race tracks in the middle of town surrounded on all sides by multi-story buildings (and no I didn't even win on one race, d'oh!), dragon boat racing (and no Sean didn't win one race), a facade of western high streets shops and back ally market stalls that are something else entirely.
And... jumping. That's correct it's started again but this time instead of rocks, cliffs, or planes it was off the back of a junk. Now junks aren't quite as exciting to jump off as my previous platforms so this called for novelty dives. Oh yes backward and forward flips were perfectly executed and, wait for it, most impressive of all (at least to me and one other) a perfect (ish) pike dive, happy days. All this off the top deck of a junk at a high of just under 4m into the rather pleasant South China Sea on a sunny Sunday afternoon, I think I like this place.
And that's Hong Kong for now, I'm looking for work at the moment to try to sustain my stay here so I'll keep you informed.
Until the next time...
Sean & Bev's near perfect apartment
O Pui Village
Mang Kung Uk
Hong Kong