More new from Oz!
Sorry to all the Austrailans reading this but francky you're all a bit odd, where do you get off befriending total strangers and inviting them into your homes and giving them guided tours of your cities. It just doens't seem right!
Anyway ...
I've now experienced my first Australian BBQ (which was far more civilised than I expected so maybe haven't had the real thing yet), visited what I hope are some of Perths worst night clubs, climbed the Swan Bell Tower and walked around Kings Park (where there is a rather lovely statue of Queen Vic - doens't quite seem right seeing them outside the UK). Also been out to Freo and Cotto as I'm told the locals call them and so I think I've pretty mush done Perth.
Having 'done Perth' I've now purchased a rather nice 1986 ford falcon XF and will be setting off for Margaret River, the Wave Stone/ Rock (stone that looks lilke a wave apparently - Australians appear to have quite a tallent for original naming of the may rock formaitons they have scattered around!) then north to Broome and Darwin.
Will be heading down to Margaret River with couple of lads I met in the backpackers and then one of them is heading north with me - Tim Henman look-a-like, kind of freeky really! May try to find more people fo the northward journey as the car is huge but have to wait and see what happens.
Other Perth highlights I guess must include staying up until 2.45 am to watch the mighty England winning against Switerland and Croatia, low point came at about 5.30 this morning as we crashed out to Portugal and found myself in pub full of drunken English yobs - really is amazing how well we can represent out country overseas if we really put our mind to it!
Other significant development is that I've got myself a mobile (number 040 440 1673 - country code 0061 I think) which has the added benefit of having a clock, alarm and diary so I now know the time and date and when I'm meant to be doing stuff which is nice.
And other than that I've not really done a great deal as I've just been enjoying having the same bed for more than a coupe of nights. Still horiffid at the price of alcohol compaired to everything else out here but guess I'll just have to get over that.
Hope all is well back home, please keep all the news coming.
Internet cafe
Anyway ...
I've now experienced my first Australian BBQ (which was far more civilised than I expected so maybe haven't had the real thing yet), visited what I hope are some of Perths worst night clubs, climbed the Swan Bell Tower and walked around Kings Park (where there is a rather lovely statue of Queen Vic - doens't quite seem right seeing them outside the UK). Also been out to Freo and Cotto as I'm told the locals call them and so I think I've pretty mush done Perth.
Having 'done Perth' I've now purchased a rather nice 1986 ford falcon XF and will be setting off for Margaret River, the Wave Stone/ Rock (stone that looks lilke a wave apparently - Australians appear to have quite a tallent for original naming of the may rock formaitons they have scattered around!) then north to Broome and Darwin.
Will be heading down to Margaret River with couple of lads I met in the backpackers and then one of them is heading north with me - Tim Henman look-a-like, kind of freeky really! May try to find more people fo the northward journey as the car is huge but have to wait and see what happens.
Other Perth highlights I guess must include staying up until 2.45 am to watch the mighty England winning against Switerland and Croatia, low point came at about 5.30 this morning as we crashed out to Portugal and found myself in pub full of drunken English yobs - really is amazing how well we can represent out country overseas if we really put our mind to it!
Other significant development is that I've got myself a mobile (number 040 440 1673 - country code 0061 I think) which has the added benefit of having a clock, alarm and diary so I now know the time and date and when I'm meant to be doing stuff which is nice.
And other than that I've not really done a great deal as I've just been enjoying having the same bed for more than a coupe of nights. Still horiffid at the price of alcohol compaired to everything else out here but guess I'll just have to get over that.
Hope all is well back home, please keep all the news coming.
Internet cafe