Monday, April 19, 2004

Notes from Africa

Greetings Ladies and Gents,

I'm now all on my own for the first time since Sean met me off the plane (he was late by the way, something about "African time"!) so I'm now free to vegetate in internet cafes and such like.

You'll have to excuse me if the typing in this e-mail isn't even close to perfect but as

1) the keyboard I'm typing on is in African,
2) I've not typed for a week or so so my typing is a little rusty
3) I'm paying by the hour do unl\ike at work I'll probably not do a spell check!

So, the story so far. I've eaten my first two african animals (or at least food you don't commonly get in the uk) in the ostrich and the springbok, I highly recommend both. I've also eaten all sorts of very tasty dishes local to these parts plus a stupid amount of dried meat (billtong). I've seen baboons, dassies (pronounced dusty without the t, they're 75million years separated cousins of the elephant thought look more like little brown badgers don't you know!), a Himalayan tahr (looks like mountain goat) and everything I've eaten plus a few.

Had my first case of African arse on my first night but it thankfully cleared up in time for my to sample a few cases of african wine on a wine tasting trip and yesterday I climbed up Table Mountain. Unfortunately although we set off with clear skies by the time we got to the top a layer of cloud had settled so couldn't see anything so got the cable car down, I'll probably go back up in the cable car on a clear day to get the views and maybe do the abseil off the top.

I'm thinking of getting a bus out to Jeffries Bay in a couple of days (about 1000km) for a bit of surfing then I'll come back via the garden route, I'm hoping that once I can check into a hostel later this morning they'll have some details for me.

That's about it other that Sean and Bev Roche's wedding, all went amazingly smoothly and I left me speech late enough in the day so that everyone was drunk enough to laugh at anything I said. I was far too kind to young Sean and didn't mention much about his somewhat dubious past but did alude to his scandelous behaviour on the stag weekend, even so the lad owes me.

The ceremony itself was on a spectacular rocky outcrop between two beautiful bays in Arniston (just under 200km east of Cape town) and after it we went down onto one of the beaches for champaign. It was raining (first time since landing) all morning and most of the afternoon but the skies cleared just as the wedding was due to start so we all (about 35 of us) hot footed it down to the sea and it thankfully stayed clear for a couple of hours which was more than enough time, as best man I obviously take full credit for sorting the weather out!

Said goodbye to Sean on Friday (very emotional) and just got dropped of by Xabi (shabby) and Ami who I've spent last few days with as they're heading back to Spain so I guess the adventure really starts here so at that point I must love you and leave you.



Internet Cafe
Cape Town
South Africa.